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David E. Owens Middle School

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Educational Leadership: Vision Statement

Mr. James DeLalla

 We Are A Stream:

 Supportive, flexible, fluid, powerful, gentle, understanding, patient, circumnavigating obstacles, rising and lowering with the ebb and flow of life, affected by the world around us, yet always directed toward the same goal.


When reflecting on attaining knowledge and skill development, it is my intent to first and foremost be a learner.  As an educational leader that means having the ability to listen to everyone involved in the educational community.  The act of a present listener is the basis of all support.  When a leader truly models listening, they are then automatically working toward being flexible to the needs of all members within the community of learners.

When looking to bring about change, an educational leader has to once again listen with patience and understanding.  It is these skills that will create the tide necessary to enable a flow toward any goal or vision.  When obstacles arise, it is this collaborative surge that will enable the current of change and ability to circumnavigate these situational issues.

As the tide inevitably rises and lowers with many factious temptations, we must allow these thoughts to wash over us and maintain presence, instinct and an ability to use research based knowledge to guide the path forward.  A persistent ability to understand the varied perspectives within the community will enable leadership to direct a path of understanding and learning.  This is not to say our actions will continually be correct, but the following precept will always guide our decisions to keep the best interest of the educational community in mind.

Children will do well, if they can.