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David E. Owens Middle School

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Mr. James DeLalla

About the Principal

We wish to welcome you to our school’s website.  At David E. Owens Middle School our faculty, staff, and PTO share the essential vision of being accessible to our community.  At DEOMS we labor to work collaboratively for the purpose of maintaining a nurturing learning environment for all the pupils.  It is our intent to provide continual channels for open communication between our students, parents, and support personnel.

Before becoming the DEOMS Principal, I served as the Vice Principal of Valleyview Middle School in Denville for six and a half years.  Prior to that position, I was a middle school Social Studies teacher at Rockaway Valley School in Boonton Township for more than 10 years.

As an educational leader, I work to develop strong professional alliances, identify areas in need of improvement, as well as provide enrichment to assist pupils to achieve their full potential.  Through a committed team approach at David E. Owens Middle School, we will continue to build a strong sense of community and organizational arrangements helping to support and sustain an environment of excellence amongst staff and students.  

Thank you for visiting our website.  If we can provide further assistance, please do not hesitate to call 201-265-8661 X 3000 or email ( for additional information.