About Us
The Junior Academy @ DEO Middle School
The Junior Academy @ David E. Owens Middle School is dedicated to providing high quality educational opportunities for all students. The school provides an environment which is both academically challenging and developmentally responsive to the needs of young adolescents. Our student body is comprised of roughly 500 students in grades 6 through 8. As our students develop academically, socially, emotionally, and physically, our team teaching structure provides the support to help them transition from middle school to high school. We believe that a successful middle school experience will prepare our learners for the challenges of high school and beyond.
The professional staff is comprised of highly qualified teachers and administrators who provide an excellent academic program wherein students are able to reach their maximum potential in accordance with their specific individual needs, abilities, and talents. The curriculum, with an honors program in 8th Grade Language Arts Literacy, Social Studies, Science, and Mathematics, is designed to be comprehensive and varied to provide for individual learning opportunities and learning styles. Curricula offerings include Connected Math and Writer’s Workshop in all three grade levels. Qualified students are eligible to be nominated for membership in the Teresa M. Martin Chapter of the Junior National Honor Society. Our World Language Department offers Spanish, French, Mandarin Chinese, and World Cultures to students in Grades 7 and 8. Elective courses are offered in Music, Band, Orchestra, Art, Computer Applications, Advanced Computers, Computer Graphics, Robotics, Current Events, Careers, Global Studies, STEM, and Business Plan.
The David E. Owens Middle School is committed to a vision of a continuous school improvement process which includes ongoing staff development and technology. Each classroom is equipped with networked computers and the classroom teachers are involved in technology training workshops. This year teachers are focused on cultivation curiosity amongst the student population. Faculty members continue to participate in Professional Learning Communities where they are working with other faculty members to address specific educational issues related to student achievement. Staff members provide communication through homework postings and class events through Google Classroom.
The David E. Owens Middle School prides itself on its relationship with its community. The school is strongly supported by the Parent Teacher Organization through the efforts of their fund raising to support the educational program. The PTO has provided the school with assembly programs, technology, and various other opportunities that enhance our curricula. In addition, their donations have provided mini grants to the faculty for special activities, which enhance the delivery of instruction in the classroom.
At David E. Owens, we believe in developing the whole child, which includes addressing social, developmental, and emotional needs. Our Guidance Department has organized and delivers an outstanding study skills and organizational skills program. Through the efforts of the school’s Student Council, the school has donated items and provided financial support to various groups in the community who support those in need, a process which teaches our students to be charitable and supportive of others. In addition, our student government provides leadership and decision-making opportunities for students. A wide array of after school clubs provide the students at David E. Owens with additional avenues by which they may participate and be recognized for their abilities.
We believe that the David E. Owens Middle School is an exciting place for young adolescents. Through the joint efforts of our teachers and staff members, the Board of Education, and generosity of the Parent Teacher Organization, our middle school students are flourishing in a caring environment.